Thursday, July 19, 2012

How To To Do A Workplace Safety Inspection : Seo Safety

Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their employees, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. A 2010 study published by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago reports that eight of 10 workers in the U.S. rank workplace safety first above other labor issues. Conducting regular safety inspections helps to keep the workplace free of hazards.

Step 1
Check for safety hazards, including unsafe work practices or potentially harmful workplace conditions. A hazard cannot be controlled until it is identified. Inspect each work area in a methodical and thorough manner. Workplace inspections should be conducted on a routine basis, whether twice each year, quarterly or more frequently.

Step 2
Take note of what types of equipment or machinery are used in a work area. Observe and document whether the machinery and equipment are properly operated and maintained. Review the manufacturers' safety manuals.

Step 3
Document potential physical hazards caused by noise, temperature, radiation, electricity, weather or pressure. Describe the hazard at length. Take photos or draw sketches, if necessary.

Step 4
Assess the nature of a hazard carefully, weighing the probability that harm could occur to employees exposed to it. Outline the possible consequences should an incident occur. Indicate whether a hazard requires immediate action, temporary action or permanent action.

Step 5
Examine the company's past accident and incident reports to find out how many employees were injured or became ill after working in a certain area.

Step 6
Check for chemical hazards, involving fumes, liquids, solids, gas, vapors and dust. Verify that all workers handling chemicals have received special training. Check to see that the labels on chemicals include information about storage, handling and waste disposal. Make sure employees wear the appropriate safety gear when exposed to hazardous substances.

Step 7
Inspect for biological hazards triggered by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Examine equipment and policies for routine maintenance and repair. Make inquiries about the company's policies for waste disposal and spill clean up. Ensure that workers eat only in regulated areas away from hazardous work areas, and that they are provided lockers for changing between work and street clothes. Question employees about hand-washing procedures that can reduce the spread of infectious organisms.

Step 8
Evaluate ergonomic hazards. Take note of improper work methods or improperly designed workstations. Awkward postures, temperature extremes, repetitive and forceful movements, and poorly designed tools and equipment can put excessive physiological and psychological stress on a worker.

Step 9
Write a report identifying any corrective actions the company must take to minimize or eliminate potential risks. Recommend the actions to be taken by indicating a date by which the problems must be corrected.

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