Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Health & Safety | Global Issues | Chevron

Health & Safety | Global Issues | Chevron

Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees and contractors is recognized in The Chevron Way, managed through our Operational Excellence Management System, and reinforced at all levels of the corporation.

Chevron's efforts to create and maintain a safety culture include starting meetings with safety lessons, tracking and awarding business units for strong safety performance, sharing best practices and lessons learned, and using behavior-based safety evaluations. Our Zero Is Attainable awards are granted to eligible organizations that complete 1 million work hours or 1,000 days worked with no days away from work incidents and no fatalities. In 2010, 76 organizations received 163 awards.

Although we had our safest year ever, we did not meet our target of zero fatalities in 2011. To prevent any further loss of life, we continue to pursue our goal using a variety of tools. Each fatality is thoroughly investigated, and the chairman reviews the results. Incident reports and lessons learned are distributed throughout the company.

For an in-depth look at Chevron safety statistics, read the 2011 Corporate Responsibility Report.

Chevron invests in the health of employees to improve productivity, reduce costs related to employee health, and help our employees optimize their physical health and mental well-being. Our programs include an award-winning HIV/AIDS training program and policy, as well as programs to support employees who want to make positive lifestyle changes.

Chevron is continuing to implement a Fitness for Duty process, which confirms or identifies the circumstances under which employees are able to safely perform essential physical, psychological and cognitive requirements of their job without risk to self, others or the environment. In addition, we are continuing to implement our occupational hygiene process and its medical surveillance procedure, which seeks to affirm that workers are protected from potential workplace hazards such as noise and chemicals. We are developing standards and deploying them to business units, as well as creating a medical surveillance data tracking system.

Chevron launched a cardiovascular health program in 2007 and continues to deploy it in more countries around the world. By the end of 2011, the program had been launched in Angola, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Nigeria, the Philippines, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States and Venezuela, with 48 percent of eligible employees participating. The program includes a risk assessment and personalized recommendations and coaching.

Jay Pryor, Chevron's vice president of business development, noticed that his numbers were starting to slowly creep up after his annual physical. His doctor advised him to exercise and lose weight to get them going back in the right direction. At about the same time, Jay saw an e-mail about the cardiovascular health program. "It sounded like the program could help me with exactly the same things I needed to improve—exercise, nutrition and weight loss—so I took the cardiovascular risk assessment and signed up for a health coach." Guidance he received on portion sizes and incorporating regular physical exercise helped Jay lose 30 pounds and improve his numbers. "Little steps have added up to a big change!"

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