Friday, December 16, 2011

Reducing struck by injuries

Struck-by hazards include objects ejected from a power tool – such as a nail gun – as well as rolling, moving or sliding objects, such as a moving vehicle. OSHA offers the following recommendations to help workers prevent struck-by injuries:

Heavy equipment

Avoid heavy equipment that is being operated, and remain alert to the location of all heavy equipment regardless of whether or not it is in use.

Stand clear of loads that are being lifted or dumped.
Exercise caution around unbalanced loads.
Never work under suspended loads.
Stay outside of the swing radius of cranes and backhoes.
Wear hard hats in areas where objects may fall from above or if any head trauma may occur because of fixed objects.
Inspect hard hats routinely for dents, cracks or deterioration.

Motor vehicles

Check vehicles before each shift to confirm that parts and accessories can be operated safely.

Bulldozers and scraper blades must be lowered or blocked when not in use. Do not exceed the rated load or lift capacity of any vehicle. Use a cab shield or canopy to protect a driver hauling materials in a vehicle loaded by cranes or power shovels, and wear safety belts.

Vehicles should only be driven on grades or roadways that are safely constructed. Wear protective clothing, such as red or orange vests, to ensure workers are highly visible, and wear reflective materials when working at night.

Avoid situations in which an escape route is not available.

Traffic should only be directed by flaggers.

Check all warning signs.

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